Our Vehicle Upholstery Cleaning Service (Only Fabric)

The average person spends somewhere between eight and fifteen hours in their car per week! Why am I sharing this amazing statistic? Because if we are spending so much time in our vehicles, then it makes sense that we would want that to be a clean and healthy environment for us and our families.

Your car is often your second home, and for many of us it sees as much if not more love than our home its no wonder that it gets dirty fast. Add in the fact that you drive around and tract dirt in and out of your car from all over the place, and you have a recipe for an environment that is far filthier than your home will ever be.

By steam cleaning the interior of your car regularly and treating the upholstery with a fabric protector, you ensure that the surfaces that you and your family spend so much of your precious time in are clean and safe. Regular steam cleaning will also help keep your vehicle’s interior looking new.

Contact us today and we will make your car interior look like new again

By steam cleaning the interior of your car regularly and treating the upholstery with a fabric protector, you ensure that the surfaces that you and your family spend so much of your precious time in are clean and safe. Regular steam cleaning will also help keep your vehicle’s interior looking new.

Have any Questions? Call us Today!

0749 835 1287

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