Pet Stain and Odor removal

Everybody loves their pets, but no one loves it when they have an accident on the carpet. Unfortunately, the carpets are some of the worst places for your pet to have an accident.

Pet stains can penetrate deep into the carpet fibers and make it very difficult to clean. It is important to clean the urine or other pet waste thoroughly. The odour needs to be fully neutralized since pets can smell the scent that is left behind and will want to return to the spot to do their ‘business’. If at all possible, try to clean up the urine as soon after it has been done.
We also clean rugs which is often a hot spot for pet accidents.

Not only is it difficult to deal with a pet urine accident once one has occurred, but it’s also tough to know where past accidents may have taken place, including accidents you may not have even known about that could be emitting an unpleasant odour.
That’s why the best pet carpet cleaners will provide a full deep clean that doesn’t leave any lingering stains or smells.

Cat and dog urine in the carpet not only leaves an unsightly stain and an unpleasant odour, but it penetrates the fibers and contaminates both the carpet and the floor underneath. That’s why it can require specialized cleaning, well beyond just a simple cleaning and treating. The longer an incident goes untreated, the more likely the urine odour is to permeate deeper and deeper into floors, walls and even the framework and foundation of the home. As the urine dries, the liquid evaporates but the urine crystals become even more concentrated and pungent. Simple cleaning will not remove this odour.

With Cleaning Project Company, your most severe pet urine odours can be solved and your carpets, rugs and upholstery can be saved.

Pet stains can penetrate deep into the carpet fibers and make it very difficult to clean. It is important to clean the urine or other pet waste thoroughly. The odour needs to be fully neutralized since pets can smell the scent that is left behind and will want to return to the spot to do their ‘business’. If at all possible, try to clean up the urine as soon after it has been done. We also clean rugs which is often a hot spot for pet accidents.

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