External Cleaning Patio & Driveway

Similar to carWe provide a trained and effective cleaning staff as specialists that specialize in driveway and patio cleaning. We can pressure wash any size and shape driveway or patio, eliminating any contaminant that shouldn’t be there. We have the cleaning solutions to assist you get rid of chewing gum or algae. The staff is educated in correct washing procedures and the use of environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals. We also have comprehensive insurance, so you can rest easy knowing you’re insured.pets and upholstered furniture, area rugs act as air filters for the home, trapping dirt, allergens and bacteria and preventing those unhealthy elements from circulating to other rooms.

For the majority of carpet and rugs, we recommend rug steam cleaning, which is among the most effective cleaning methods to date, and even better, it’s entirely ‘green cleaning’ as it only uses hot water as its cleaning solution.

With our forceful,  cleaning machines, the hot water is injected deep into the fibers of your area rug, agitating the dirt, dust mites, etc. loose, and then all of this is sucked up through powerful vacuums.
The result of this is a remarkably clean carpet. In addition to this you don’t have to worry about any cleaning solution residue left behind.

Have any Questions? Call us Today!

0749 835 1287


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