After Builders Cleaning

You can count on us if you need a professional after builders cleaning service to bring your house or workplace back in shape after remodeling or décor work. We’ll make sure your property is clean so you can enjoy the benefits of your improvements. Our seasoned post-construction cleaners will meticulously clean the space, paying attention to even the tiniest details.

Below you can see some of the jobs our professional after builders cleaners can do for your home:

  • Dusting off all the areas in the property
  • Cleaning of carpets, rugs and upholstery
  • Vacuuming and mopping hard floors
  • Wiping and polishing hard surfaces
  • Scrubbing bathtub, toilet and sink
  • Cleaning and polishing tiles
  • Cleaning doors, door frames and handles
  • Cleaning windows, window frames and sills
  • Polishing mirrors and windows
  • Cleaning skirting boards
  • Removing waste left from the building and renovation work
  • Cleaning light fixtures and switches

Have any Questions? Call us Today!

0749 835 1287

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100% Reliable. No Hidden Charges.
Covers All Areas